TL;DR The goal of this program is to distribute 100k $ARB to Arbinauts and citizens that have proactively worked and truly impacted the Arbitrum DAO since its launch.*

*This round is for those individuals that haven’t been compensated for the work done and are not employed/contracted by the Arbitrum DAO.

About the Arbitrum Citizens Retrofunding Round 1

The Arbitrum Citizens Retrofunding round aims to reward work that helped kickstart the DAO and/or contributed directly to Arbitrums strategic priorities. For example, contributions in the areas of governance, data-driven decision making , operations, data analysis, education, support and community building around the DAO.

How does it work? People can apply + showcase the work done and donors will decide how the 100k $ARB will get allocated to them via the magic of Quadratic voting.

The grant program is onchain and uses QF to allocate the 100k ARB, that means that the Arbitrum community will vote(only $ARB holders votes are eligible) how the 100k gets distributed to the individuals => the more votes(donations) a individual receives => the more matching funds they receive. Max 5 % / individual. Only donations over 1$ will be considered.

If you remember the Arbitrum Domain Round and the Grant Funding Fest you already know we are probably creating a series of the most democratic and plural grant funding programs in the history of web3!

This is our chance to show the web3 ecosystem how a DAO can support its early contributors in a plural and democratic way so let’s spread the love**💙**


PLEASE TRY TO APPLY UNTIL 25.11.2023 at 12:00 UTC to make sure your application is reviewed before the round goes live😊

Application period: 30 October - 25 November

Donation period: 15 November -29 November

 Please read the📋 [Eligibility Criteria](<>)📋before applying* and please describe the work done and *why the project is relevant for the Arbitrum ecosystem* in the grant application description 🙂

*****Your application needs to comply with the General Eligibility Criteria📋 and the round specific criteria.

Examples of contributions:

What is the Arbitrum Citizens Retrofunding Round 1 ?

How does it all work? ✅